Dear Mr President,

I am writing to express my grave concern about the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2023, which entrenches the criminalisation of consensual same-sex conduct in Uganda and violates numerous human rights of LGBTI* people and those who defend their rights in Uganda, including the rights to dignity, equality before the law, equal protection of the law, non-discrimination, and freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association.

On 21 March, the Ugandan Parliament passed the Bill, with 387 out of 389 MPs voting in favour of the Bill, which was then sent to the President for signature. On 21 April, the President returned the bill with amendments. On 2 May, Parliament passed an amended version incorporating the President’s recommendations. The bill is now with His Excellency, who has until 31 May to either sign the bill, veto it or send it back to Parliament for further amendments.

The amended version of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill still imposes a penalty of life imprisonment for same-sex sexual conduct and up to 10 years imprisonment for attempted same-sex sexual conduct. It also imposes the death penalty for ‚aggravated homosexuality‘ – a broad term used to describe acts including same-sex acts among people living with HIV – and criminalises the ‚promotion of homosexuality‘ with a 20-year prison sentence. The bill will have a devastating impact on LGBTI people in Uganda, who already face institutional and widespread discrimination, by fuelling violence and discrimination against them and reinforcing the stigma and gender stereotypes that negatively affect LGBTI* people. It will also have a chilling effect on freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association, as individuals who support LGBTI* rights also risk persecution and imprisonment.

I urge you to immediately veto the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2023 and take steps to protect the human rights of all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression. I also urge you to take all necessary steps to condemn discriminatory violence and to take measures to protect LGBTI* people and human rights defenders from discriminatory attacks fuelled by discussions around the bill.

Yours sincerely,



President Yoweri Museveni
(Parliament Avenue, Kampala, Uganda)

Twitter: @kagutamuseveni

The president is accessible via email and social media especially Twitter.

Additional Targets – Twitter handles

Parliament of Uganda:

The Uganda Police Force:

The National Bureau for Non-Governmental Organizations:


Ambassade de la République de l’Ouganda
Rue Vermont 37, 3ème étage
1202 Genève

Fax: 022 340 70 30

Das Anti-Homosexualitätsgesetz von 2023 kriminalisiert gleichgeschlechtliche Aktivitäten zwischen zustimmenden Erwachsenen. Wer bei diesem „Verbrechen“ erwischt wird, dem drohen bis zu 10 Jahre Gefängnis. Das Gesetz stellt auch die „Förderung“ von Homosexualität unter Strafe, eine Bestimmung, die der Homophobie Vorschub leistet.

Das Anti-Homosexualitätsgesetz von 2023 ist nicht das erste Mal, dass das ugandische Parlament versucht, Homosexualität zu rekriminalisieren, nachdem 2014 das ugandische Anti-Homosexualitätsgesetz, eine Bestimmung aus der Kolonialzeit des Strafgesetzbuchs von 1950, aufgehoben wurde.

Am 3. Mai 2021 verabschiedete das Parlament das Gesetz über sexuelle Straftaten, mit dem „sexuelle Handlungen zwischen Personen desselben Geschlechts“ sowie Analverkehr zwischen Menschen jeden Geschlechts unter Strafe gestellt werden sollten. Im August 2021 lehnte Präsident Museveni das Gesetz mit der Begründung ab, dass viele Bestimmungen des vorgeschlagenen Gesetzes überflüssig seien, da sie bereits in bestehenden Gesetzen (beispielsweise im Strafgesetzbuch) enthalten seien.