Zimbabwe: LGBT-Aktivistin Ellen Chademana in Harare freigesprochen
Freude herrscht: Ellen Chademana freigesprochen.
Ellen Chademana, Mitarbeiterin der Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ), war wegen Besitz von „pornographischem Material“ (Informationen zu LGBT) angeklagt worden. Mit der Anklage wurde versucht, die Arbeit der LGBT-Organisation juristisch zu behindern. Nun sprach sie ein Amtsgericht in Harare am Donnerstag 16. Dezember frei.
Amnesty International begrüsst den Entscheid und verlangt von der Polizei in Simbabwe endlich das Recht auf Engagement für LGBT-Anliegen zu resepektieren.
Amnesty News: Zimbabwe court acquits LGBT activist (Englisch).
Die Webseite der GALZ (www.galz.co.zw) immer ist wieder technischen Problemen ausgesetzt.
Siehe: Kubatana – NGO-Network Alliance for Zimbabwean activists.
WRI, 26. Mai 2010: Zimbabwe: Die Polizei überfällt das Büro der „Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe“ und verhaftet zwei AktivistInnen (Deutsch).
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Amnesty Stellungnahme auf Englisch
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Zimbabwe court acquits LGBT activist (17 December 2010)
Ellen Chademana was acquitted of the charges against her by a court in Harare
Amnesty International has welcomed a Zimbabwe court’s decision to acquit a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights activist charged with possession of pornographic materials.
Ellen Chademana, an administrative assistant at the prominent NGO Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ), was acquitted by a magistrate’s court in Harare on Thursday.
The charges followed an armed police raid on the GALZ offices in Milton Park Harare in May. Ellen Chademana was arrested and detained for six days in Harare Central Prison with a colleague, Ignatius Mhambi. Both were released on bail while the police investigation continued. Ignatius Mhambi was acquitted of his charges in July.
„Ellen Chademana and other staff members of GALZ have faced repeated harassment for carrying out legitimate work to protect the rights of Zimbabwe’s LGBT community,“ said Michelle Kagari of Amnesty International
„Though delighted with her acquittal we continue to urge the unity government and police to end the persistent harassment of human rights defenders in Zimbabwe.“
Ellen Chademana told Amnesty International that she was happy with the judgement but that she was now worried about her security.
On Wednesday evening before the court judgement, police visited the GALZ offices and demanded entry by threatening the security personnel with arrest.
„This was obviously an act of intimidation by the police and an abuse of their authority,“ said Michelle Kagari.
“The police must acknowledge the role of all LGBT rights defenders by putting an end to their harassment and ensuring their protection and security.”
Quelle Amnesty News: Zimbabwe court acquits LGBT activist (Englisch).
Ellen Chademana was acquitted of the charges against her by a court in Harare. Bild: © Amnesty International