Türkei: Polizeigewalt gegen Transgender Aktivisten in Ankara

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Am 17. Mai – dem internationalen Tag gegen die Homophobie – setzten Polizisten in Ankara bei einer Fahrzeugkontrolle Pfefferspray und Knüppel gegen Transgender der LGBT-Gruppe „Pink Life Association“ und gegen die alarmierte Menge von rund 25 weitern AktivistInnen ein.
Die fünf verletzten Transgender Personen wurden abgeführt und erst nach anwältlichem Einschreiten am nächsten Morgen sie freigelassen.

Amnesty International ist äusserst besorgt über den Vorfall und fordert den Innenminister Besir Atalay auf, den Vorfall zu untersuchen und die wiederholte transphobe und homophobe Gewalt durch Polizeiorgane zu stoppen.

Bitte audrucken, unterschreiben und einsenden:
Musterbrief an Besir Atalay, Innenminister der Türkei (PDF, 30 kB)

In letzter Zeit werden die Aktivitäten von LGBT-gruppen in der Türkei immer wieder durch Gerichtsverfahren behindert. Die Familienministerin Selma Aliye Kavaf bezeichnete kürzlich Homosexualität als eine Krankheit.
Türkei: Dringender Aufruf gegen hartes Durchgreifen gegen LGBT-Gruppen zu stoppen

17. Okt. 2010, HRW: Turkey: Drop Charges Against Transgender Rights Defenders.

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sowie Fax/Mailadresse:

< ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Dringender Aufruf an Innenminister den Vorfall vom 17. Mai in Ankara zu untersuchen und die wiederholte transphobe und homophobe Gewalt durch Polizeiorgane zu stoppen.
(bis 30. Juni 2010 Faxen / Mailen – danke).

Dear Minister

I am writing to you with regard to the following a violent attack against a group of transgender activists and their supporters by police officers in Ankara on Tuesday 17 May:

According to the information received from Amnesty International and based on the testimonial of an eye witness, four members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender support organization Pink Life were travelling in a car when they were stopped by the police. The police officers asked the four to get out of the car without explanation. When the activists asked for the reason for this, they were not provided with one. The activists offered to give their identity cards but refused to come out of the car. An argument ensued. They then called members and supporters of Pink Life and around 25-30 people came to the scene of the incident.

The police then attacked those who had come to the scene, using pepper spray and beating them with batons. The police also sprayed pepper gas into the car, forcing the five transgender activists to come out. According to information received, some of the police officers were attempting to incite local residents into making complaints about the transgender activists. The police then arrested the five people who had been in the car and that they were held in police cus-tody from around 10-11pm until 6am the following morning. When he supporters went to the police station where they were being detained and asked about the reasons for their detention. They were told it was for ‚resisting a state official‘.

According to information received, following their release, the five activists went to the Forensic Medi-cal Institute to have their injuries documented.

I am expressing my deep concern at the allegations of ill-treatment made by the transgender activists and confirmed by eye witnesses and I am therefore calling on you for an effective and impartial investigation into these allegations of ill-treatment by law enforcement officials and for all those found responsible to be brought to justice.

Yours Sincerely

Adresse des Innenministers:

Minister of Interior
Mr. Besir Atalay
Içisleri Bakanlıgı
06644 Ankara, Turkey
E-mail: besir.atalay@icisleri.gov.tr
Tel: +90 312 425 7214
Fax: +90 312 418 1795

Adresse des Innenministers:

Minister of Justice
Mr. Sadullah Ergin
Ministry of Justice
Adalet Bakanligi
06659 Ankara, Turkey
Fax: 0090 312 419 33 70